Can You Drink DI or Deionised Water?

deionised water
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DI water is a type of water, which has had all ions removed. The ions are generally mineral salts, which includes calcium, iron, and sulfate. Deionised water is many times called as “demineralized water” as these minerals are removed, though there are many ways for creating water without any dissolved minerals. There’s lots of controversy on whether drinking DI water is dangerous, mainly due to the demineralized nature. However, can you consume DI safely? Short answer is definitely, although there’s more to this issue.

deionised waterThere are some studies that indicate that having deionised water might cause some people to urinate a little more and get rid of electrolytes from your body. If you are getting enough minerals and vitamins from foods you are eating daily, however, it is not likely to be the major issue. Deionized water might have the lower pH than tap water; however, it is generally not acidic. Most of the carbonated sodas have the low pH, lower than the DI water.

In a short term, drinking DI water is not going to cause immediate health troubles for many people. There’s certain risk that there can be the residual traces of deionising resins in the water, however this is unlikely. Actually, crew members on the submarines regularly drink distilled water that also has minerals removed, and also they seem to experience not any long term health issues.

Mineral Intake from Water

Many people get all minerals that they want from foods that they eat. The primary reasons that people give of not drinking the deionised water is it does not have any minerals that your body requires to function rightly. We all want to consume sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium, or other minerals for staying healthy. Whereas it is true that none of the minerals are there in the deionised water, there’re many other kinds of the water treatment, which remove some of them. Most of the people make use of water softeners that remove the magnesium and calcium from water. Some systems even remove iron. It is unlikely that these people are actually suffering from lack of the minerals in diet.

Wrapping Up!

Reality is we get our minerals we want from foods we eat, and not water we drink. An amount of the minerals in drinking water is very low, and not sufficient that can meet our dietary requirements. Whereas drinking deionised or demineralized water isn’t beneficial in such sense, it is unlikely to harm us by not contributing the minerals in our diet.