Generally storekeepers, wholesalers and buyers everyone usually start going to the fish market at 4 am. Especially those who want to buy tasty fish by pressing on the finger, checking togo to the fish market. But many buyers are not going to the market during Corona. Many buyers are not even stepping foot in the raw market or supermarket next to the house. According to them, the fish market means crowds and crowds of people. Stay away from maintaining physical distance, it is difficult to walk in water and mud. But these fancy buyers want the best fish. For them, the only solution is to buy fresh fish online.
The online fish market has become a place of trust for those who do not like the noise and unhealthy environment of the market. If you like the fish and the price by looking at the pictures online at the click of a finger, just wait for the order. The fish from the river-canal will reach home.
Many people go to the market and do not understand whether that particular fish is good or bad. Apart from this, those who are busy with office,jobs, are used to online shopping. Added to this is the difficult reality of corona this year. At a time when quarantine is the main responsibility, where is the time to go to the fish market for anyone? So they are taking advantage of the opportunity to buy fish online. And in terms of fish quality and price, satisfaction has added a different dimension to online attraction.
Many people buy fish online to meet the needs of the family in corona times. In that case trust and confidence has to be placed on the seller’s promise. Online business opportunities will indeed increase if entrepreneurs can maintain professionalism.